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The Living Room Lokalerne på denne adresse i latinerkvarteret i København på denne adresse i latinerkvarteret i København tilhørte førhen Roberts Coffee, men hedder nu The Living Room. Det finnes tusenvis av datingsider der ute.
De ældste nisser har været med de sidste 40 år. Ejeren af Falernum bestyrer også adskillige andre steder som kan anbefales til en date i København — fx Bibendum i Nansensgade og PatéPaté i Kødbyen. De ældste nisser har været med de sidste 40 år.
Topp 5 norske uforpliktende datingsider 2018 - Hvis der ikke er plads på Kind of Blue, kan naboerne Mellemrummet og Café Gavlen også anbefales til en date i København.
Nettdating har dramatisk endret måten man finner nye partnere, venner og kjærlighet på. Likevel kan det være vanskelig å finne fram i jungelen av uforpliktende datingsider og plattformer for norske single, og å velge en side. Derfor har vi bestemt oss for å dele vår personlige erfaring, og andre brukeres erfaringer på vår topp 5 dating nettsider-oversikt. Vårt mål er å gjøre det lettere for deg å finne den rette uforpliktende dating nettsider for deg, og til slutt den rette partneren, vennen eller uforpliktende daten. Vår oversikt såvel som våre anmeldelser gir deg et godt overblikk over de norske uforpliktende datingsidene. Likevel er det fra vårt ståsted slik at det er spørsmålet det er noe galt med i utgangspunktet. Vår erfaring er at folk ikke helt og fullt forstår hva nettdating handler om, og hvor mange tilbydere og fora som finnes. Datingsider forsøker å koble likesinnede mennesker slik at de kan finne nye venner, dater, partnere eller uforpliktende kontakter. Internett hjelper deg med å søke i en større radius og gir deg verktøyene chat, videoanrop etc. Nettdating er det du gjør det til — akkurat som i hverdagen når du går ut med venner i en bar for å møte nye folk. Det er veldig viktig at du definerer hva du faktisk ser etter. Det finnes tusenvis av datingsider der ute. En god start er å spørre deg selv om du er ute etter en enkelt, morsom date, eller en partner i et langvarig forhold. Selv om grensene kan være utydelige, er det store forskjeller mellom plattformene. I en fløy har du rene datingsider eller til og med for uforpliktende dating , med tusenvis av profiler du kan bla gjennom, og i den andre fløyen såkalte matchmakingsider, som hjelper deg med å finne den perfekte partneren for deg, og din framtidige ektemann eller -kvinne. Les våre anmeldelser av de ulike datingsidene for å finne ut hvem som tilbyr hva. Det ene er personvern, hvilket inkluderer din e-postadresse, navn, din betalingsinfo og annet rundt din personlige info. Les alltid brukervilkårene til siden før du registrerer deg. Hvis du ikke finner noen brukervilkår, bør varselslampene ringe og du burde ikke registrere deg. Legg merke til at nettsiden respekterer norsk lovgivning og forteller deg i detalj hvilke personvernbetingelser som gjelder. Standarden er at det eksplisitt burde stå at ingen av din personlige informasjon vil bli delt med tredjepart, uten din tillatelse. Den andre viktige faktoren er din personlige sikkerhet. Her anbefaler vi at du tar samme forbehold som når du møter folk ellers. Selv om datingsider generelt er trygge, finnes det folk som prøver å utnytte andre på ulike vis, eller som rett og slett ikke er særlig hyggelige. Et par kjøreregler inkluderer: å møtes på et offentlig sted under den første daten, fortell venner eller familie at du er i kontakt med noen og vær forsiktig med å gi ut personlige opplysninger til nye kontakter. Uforpliktende nettdating og sikkerhet Uforpliktende nettdating kan være som et spennende eventyr for norske single, fordi det finnes så mange ulike uforpliktende datingsider med svært ulike målgrupper. Disse uforpliktende datingsidene er en fin mte å komme i kontakt med nye mennesker gjennom et klikk. Noen ganger glemmer vi likevel å tenke oss om på nettet når det gjelder personlig sikkerhet. Du bør være skeptisk når en person du nettopp har lært å kjenne på nettet ber deg om å hjelpe han eller henne økonomisk. Selv om noen historier høres hjærteskærende ut, er de som regel fiktive. Menneskene bak er nærmest som profesjonelle diktere når det gjelder å skape dramatiske, overbevisende historier. Skulle du vurdere å støtte noen, er det best at du rådfører deg først med en venn, slektning eller til og med en advokat. Det er helt forståelig hvis du har lyst til å møte personen du liker så raskt som mulig. Samtidig er det lurt å ta noen forholdsregler her også. Si ifra til en venn eller et familiemedlem at du skal møte noen fra nettet, og gi de navn, telefonnummer og e-posten til denne personen. I tillegg bør dere møtes på et offentlig sted, som også er lett for deg å forlate hvis du innser at daten ikke går særlig bra. De ovenstående punktene er ikke ment for å gjøre deg redd. Uforpliktende dating nettsider kan være både morsomt og trygt hvis du tar noen forbehold og bruker sunn fornuft. Det er mange norske single som søker en passende partner. Vi ønsker deg lykke til uansett hvor du søker!
Der kan du også gjøre valg for mottak av tilbud fra Meetic Group og samarbeidspartnere. Klassikeren Den klassiske regnvejrs date må ikke glemmes. Samtidig er det lurt å ta noen forholdsregler her også. Nu bor den north blandt mine bøger. Hvis din date i København involverer en weekendaften og drinks, er Oak Room bestemt anbefalelsesværdig. Mist dog ikke modet - Regn kan være yderst romantisk, hvis blot man ser muligheder frem for begrænsninger. Et fantastisk smukt julesmykket hjem, også der er du fantastisk, du forstår at pynte op på en estetisk flot måde, som glad af hygge.
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How to Hack Online Dating Sites - To increase your chances of getting matches, open yourself up to possibility. Note: You will need to repeat this process every 7 days.
Hacked App: POF - Free Dating App By PlentyOfFish v5. Hidden Content React or reply to this topic to see the hidden content. Installation Instructions: Step 1: Uninstall the app if you have it installed on your iDevice. Make sure to back it up so you don't lose your progress. Step 2: Download the pre-hacked. IPA file from the link above to your computer. Step 3: Download and extract the archive. Step 4: Once your iDevice appears, drag the modded. IPA file and drop it inside the Cydia Impactor application. Go ahead and enter the required information. Note: It is suggested that you use a disposable Apple ID for this. Now tap on the e-mail you entered from Step 5, and then tap on ' Trust '. Step 8: Now go to your Home Screen and open the newly installed IPA and everything should work fine. Note: You will need to repeat this process every 7 days. If you have any questions or problems, read our and if you don't find a solution, post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! STEP 2: Copy the file over to your iDevice using any of the file managers mentioned above or skip this step if you're downloading from your iDevice. STEP 3: Using iFile or Filza, browse to where you saved the downloaded. STEP 4: Once you tap on the file, you will then need to press on 'Installer' or 'Install' from the options on your screen. Make sure it successfully installs, otherwise see the note below. STEP 6: Now open your iDevice settings and scroll down until you see the settings for this cheat and tap on it. If the hack is a Mod Menu, the cheat features can be toggled in-game. STEP 7: Turn on the features you want and play the game. You may need to follow further instructions inside the hack's popup in-game. If you still haven't found a solution, post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues.
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One way you can create a useable DPI for CSGO is another tip from WarOwl where he set his by a simple rule: A swipe from one side of your mousepad to the other horizontally will turn you around 180 degrees. At 4K the situation was reversed, and 9,000 DPI felt somewhat slow, whereas I found 16,000 DPI quite comfortable. How can I fix this? The bright LED sections of the mouse mesh well against the dark black material, and the numerous contours look quite stylish, and I found that they helped my grip feel more secure.
They also generally use 400dpi but I forgot what the in-game was, I wanna say 2. You can also adjust the mouse sensitivity, acceleration and polling rate, calibrate the mouse to a mousepad, and create user profiles for easily switching between predefined settings.
DPI Settings - It is available for download via the link.
If the Razer Mamba was a car, it would a be a Lamborghini: specialized, over-the-top, and entirely unjustifiable for most people. On the left side are two large mouse buttons, which are huge relative to the similar browser forward and back buttons seen on standard desktop mice. Their large size and soft-touch plastic texture make them easy to find and press with your thumb. On the opposite side is a rubber-texture grip for your ring and pinky finger — sorry, left-handed gamers, the Mamba is designed exclusively for use with the right hand. The front is eye-catching thanks to twin trapezoidal sections that look like jet intakes, but the only functional feature is the depressed Micro-USB port hiding underneath the scroll wheel. Right below the scroll wheel are on-the-fly DPI adjustment buttons, which have been moved to the top of the mouse body for 2015. The Razer Mamba is like a Lamborghini — specialized, spectacular, and unjustifiable The entire top of the mouse now has a rough plastic texture, which actually makes it easier to grip and less prone to hand sweat than the soft-touch plastic on previous models. Instead there are two long strips of LEDs that peek through the seam between the top of the mouse and the sides, plus two parallel strips on the mouse wheel. Game on Using the Mamba in-game is a treat. Even as light as it is, the large, curvy design makes the mouse comfortable to use for extended periods, with the cable or without. The Mamba is unapologetically focused at first-person shooters. The two thumb buttons are ideally used for alternative fire assignments I typically use them for melee attacks and grenades , and the wheel is slow with big gaps, intended for easily and accurately switching between a few weapons. The on-the-fly DPI buttons are excellent for switching between large, sweeping movements like a close-range shotgun build or tiny, precision aiming for snipers. Trying out the 16,0000 mode just for kicks makes the mouse cursor zip across my entire triple-monitor desktop with just an inch of physical movement. No strings attached The wireless Mamba gives you the best of both worlds — the great Deathadder design and no strings attached. I never noticed a hiccup while using the mouse in wireless mode. Of course, that comes with a big drawback. All-night gaming sessions are surprisingly comfortable, thanks to the ergonomic design The original Mamba had some problems. Back then, I could barely get six or seven hours of game time before I had to attach the charging cable, which switches the mouse into a direct wired mode while recharging the battery. Alternately I could rest the mouse on the charging base. Razer has greatly improved battery life since then. Playing at a higher DPI or selecting a flashier light pattern might drain the battery more quickly, but disabling the lights altogether would extend it. The lights are more of a distraction than anything else, though I can see why Razer is revamping its entire line with the Chroma system: for showy gamers who like their desktop to be a kaleidoscope of case lighting and glowing accessories, it allows a degree of customization hitherto unseen. They double as a battery indicator. When the Mamba battery drops below a user-selectable amount, both the mouse and the charging base will flash red to indicate it. Turn the hex screws to the right to harden the click, turn them left to soften it. Only the force required to active changes. Maybe the next revision of the Mamba will enable more dramatic customization. In addition to the Chroma configuration tool listed above, Synapse includes custom keystroke assignments or macros for all six buttons, the mouse wheel button, and all scrolling directions. Profiles can be saved and linked to specific games. There are other tools included, too. Mouse DPI can be set manually down to a single dots, with adjustments for the X and Y axes, acceleration, and custom polling settings. The same profile settings apply. The mouse can be calibrated for specific styles of mousepads, but strangely only in wired mode. Finally, users can select a custom timeout for the mouse in wireless mode to save battery life. The Mamba has them both beaten in terms of ergonomics, since Logitech likes to toe the line between shooter and RPG-focused design, though the G602 will last for much longer on a charge. The price for both is obviously an advantage. Mad Catz offers wireless mice in the R. T series, but their adjustable design is more comparable to the Razer Ouroboros. That mouse has a similar charger-receiver combo setup and a shooter-friendly layout, and the body is ambidextrous. No one needs the Mamba — but then again, no one needs a gaming mouse at all. Need is beside the point.
How to Change the DPI of Razer Mouses
Select the Power Management Tab. Where can I enter the code so I can use it to purchase products. I would like information on future Razer products. We have successfully tested the Razer Mamba at much greater distances, but mamba native dpi prime differs with the type and amount of interference that may be generated. The bright LED sections of the mouse mesh well against the dark black material, and the numerous contours look quite stylish, and I found that they helped my grip feel more secure. You may difference the DPI values of your Mamba via the software drivers found in this website. First, check if your Mouse is allowed to wake up your computer from sleep or standby mode.
Stoga, zašto tu informaciju koju znate ne biste PODJELILI SA SVOJIM PRIJATELJIMA? Evo, dajemo vam ga!
Znamo da je to veoma glupo i nezgodno! Kada vas život dovede u situaciju da neki problem treba da rešite sad i odmah, onda je neophodno da budete dovitljivi i da iskoristite ono što vam je pri ruci. Stoga, zašto tu informaciju koju znate ne biste PODJELILI SA SVOJIM PRIJATELJIMA?
Potrebna vam je SAMO JEDNA SPAJALICA i možete da uradite sve ove stvari (VIDEO) - Izbor je zaista velik i svakim danom je sve veći i veći!!!
A Možda i Nekog Posebnog O Kome Ste Oduvijek Sanjali Da biste u tome uspjeli, zbog vas postoji Vaš najbolji online odabir za pronalaženje Prijatelja Društva Partnera za vezu -i- Potencijalne mladenke ili mladoženje!!! Na Ljubavnoj Spajalici, pronaæi æete stotine pametnih i zgodnih èlanova koji traže prijateljstvo, romantiku, osobu za vezu ili brak - nekog poput vas. Nikada nije bilo niti æe biti bolje vrijeme da se pridružite Ljubavnoj Spajalici! Svakog dana dolazi STOTINE NOVIH ÈLANOVA Pronaðite prijatelje ili ljubav u svom kvartu, ili pak na drugom kraju svijeta. Postoje tri vrste èlanstva tako da možete IZABRATI ONO KOJE VAM NAJVIŠE ODGOVARA Cijene su prilagoðene tako da mogu zadovoljiti svaèiji ukus. Bez obzira što tražite - prijatelje za druženje, osobu za brak, nekog za ozbiljnu vezu, pronaæi æete ga ovdje, na Ljubavnoj Spajalici. Veæ 4 godine spajamo ljude, i do sada imamo veæ nekoliko stotina veza koje su sklopljene uz našu pomoæ, diljem svijeta. Postanite punopravni èlan sada, ODMAH i stupite u kontakt sa stotinama èlanova diljem svijeta. Budi Ti onaj ona koji bira! Na Ljubavnoj Spajalici možete Upoznati onog pravog onu pravu ODMAH SADA! Važna Poruka za Tebe od Tomislava Autora, Ljubavne Spajalice Utorak, 17:42 p. Èujete li ovaj zvuk? To je prilika koja vam kuca... Èlanovima Ljubavne Spajalice, prilike èesto kucaju na vrata. Za vas, ta su vrata zakljuèana zato što je vaše 7-dnevno èlanstvo završilo! I dalje ste dobrodošli na naš servis za upoznavanje, i dalje možete pretraživati profile, gledati slike, ali ne možete više kontaktirati sa ostalim èlanovima, niti proèitati poruke koje su vam poslali. Znamo da je to veoma glupo i nezgodno! Zato vas pozivamo da ODMAH nadogradite SVOJE ÈLANSTVO! I biti æete u moguænosti da odgovorite kada ljubav zakuca na vaša vrata... Kao što ste veæ mogli vidjeti za vrijeme besplatnog èlanstva, Ljubavna Spajalica je živuæe online mjesto gdje se kreæu sve vrste ljudi: muškarci i žene, mladi i stari, svih profesija, iz svih krajeva svijeta. Ljubavna Spajalica je mjesto gdje je jednostavno i zabavno komunicirati sa potencijalnim partnerima i prijateljima. Na Ljubavnoj Spajalici možete kreirati svoj profil na bilo kojem jeziku ukljuèujuæi i Engleski, Hrvatski, Srpski, Talijanski, Njemaèki, Ruski i Francuski. Ali ono što Ljubavnu Spajalicu èini toliko moænom je da sve one važne podatke iz vašeg profila koji su šablonski ponuðeni odgovori svatko od èlanova može vidjeti na svim gore navedenim jezicima, a to æe vam pomoæi da upoznate èim više ljudi. Jel' to sve stvarno funkcionira? Ne morate vjerovati meni! Hvala vam što ste mi pomogli pronaæi moju djevojku iz snova! Ono u što sam 100% siguran je da æu s njom provesti ostatak života. S nijednom curom do sada nisam se osjeæao tako dobro i tako predivno. Nadamo se da æe i ostali korisnici vašeg servisa naæi ono što traže... Nakon toga sam upoznala nekoga… hvala vam što ste mi vratili vjeru u ljubav.... Vrijedi probat… Sama sam veæ 7 godina i veæ mi je stvarno poèelo faliti društvo, da imam nekoga pored sebe. Registrirala sam se i poèela pretraživat profile, i kroz sva ta lica koja sam vidjela, vidjela sam NJEGOV profil i poslala mu poruku. Kada mi je odgovorio na poruku, poèela je èarolija! Naš prvi susret bio je predivan, bilo nam je ugodno i lijepo. Nakon ruèka otišli smo na plažu i ondje proveli nezaboravne trenutke. Veselim se poèetku našeg zajednièkog života. Hvala vam za sve! Oboje smo razvedeni sa decom, i mislim da se za sada dobro slažemo. Hvala Ljubavnoj spajalici na svemu, malo bi ohrabrio i druge da što èešæe poseæuju sajt i da ne odustaju od traganja za prijateljem, braènim drugom ili neæim treæom. Sa moje strane primite pozdrav i želju da i dalje radite kao i do sad. Što æete VI reæi o Ljubavnoj Spajalici? Servis za Upoznavanje Kreiran za Vas Siguran sam da ne želite 'namještenu' vezu. Vi želite vlastitu priliku i moguænost da izaberete s kim želite komunicirati, a ne da vas netko u tome ogranièava. Na žalost mnogi servisi za upoznavanje odluèuju o tome tko smije s kim razgovarati. Kod nas svi mogu komunicirati sa svima. Kod nas nema ogranièenja. Na Ljubavnoj Spajalici gledamo stvari drugaèije. Svi naši èlanovi imaju sudbinu u svojim rukama. Kod nas svaki èlan ima priliku da prima i šalje poštu e-mailove unutar poštanskih sanduèiæa na stranicama servisa, potpuno anonimno. Ne zaboravite, da su na Ljubavnoj Spajalici svi Profili Dostupni na Mnogim Svjetskim Jezicima Istodobno Savršena Vrsta Èlanstva za Vas Nemaju svi novi èlanovi koji se uèlane u Ljubavnu Spajalicu iste želje i potrebe. To se posebno vidi kod odabira vrste èlanstva. Neki naši èlanovi koriste Ljubavnu Spajalicu i dalje, nakon što su pronašli ono što traže, koristeæi je kao izvor gdje pronalaze nove prijatelje, zabavu, informacije i romantiku. Za njih ovaj sajt postaje Web 2. Ti ljudi su kao i vi - odabrali 'ovu zlatnu priliku'... Povoljna Cijena Toliko toga možete dobiti na Ljubavnoj Spajalici, a platiti tako malo.... Svjesni smo da razlièiti ljudi iz razlièitih dijelova svijeta koriste razlièite naèine plaæanja. Tako da sada, kada ste odluèili koje èlanstvo želite, jednostavno odaberite naèin plaæanja. Odaberite Svoj Naèin Plaæanja Nemate Novaca??? Dajemo Vam i Dalje Besplatno Èlanstvo! Želite dobiti BESPLATNO ÈLANSTVO na Ljubavnoj Spajalici? Evo, dajemo vam ga! Sve što trebate napraviti da bi ga dobili je da Ljubavnu Spajalicu predstavite svojim prijateljima. Vjerujem da veæ znate koliko je moæna Ljubavna Spajalica i koliko se puno ljudi kreæe na njoj, u potrazi za ljubavlju. Stoga, zašto tu informaciju koju znate ne biste PODJELILI SA SVOJIM PRIJATELJIMA? Kažite drugima o nama i za to æemo vas NAGRADITI SA 60-DNEVNIM BESPLATNIM ÈLANSTVOM Kako? Na Vama Je Da Uèinite Sljedeæi Korak Ja više ne mogu ništa napraviti sa svoje strane. Vaša je buduænost u vašim rukama. Èekam da vidim što ste odluèili. Dok vi razmišljate, vaša željena osoba može upoznati nekoga drugoga drugu , i otiæi s njim njom , stoga NEMOJTE ÈEKATI! Život je bogatiji, slaði i ispunjenji kada imate nekog posebnog pored sebe. Puno uspjeha u vašem traženju, Tomislav P. Nemojte zaboraviti, da je Ljubavna Spajalica sigurna, prijateljska i da je vaše zadovoljstvo 100% sigurno.
Top 3 nacina da slozite salvete
Ljubavna magija privlači šanse i ojačava spone između osoba. U tom smislu možemo razlikovati sledeće forme: -Ljubavna magija za spajanje razdvojenih -Ljubavna magija za privlačenje srodne duše -Ljubavna magija za vraćanje bivše ljubavi -Ljubavna magija za brak -Ljubavna magija za vraćanje ravnoteže u odnosu, -Ljubavna magija prema znaku zodijaka, itd. Jel' to sve stvarno funkcionira. Onda kada nastupi složena faza života, kad postoji težnja da se spasi postojeća veza, brak, partnerstvo ili pronađe ljubav svog života, tada ljubavna magija može biti od velike pomoći. Svakog dana dolazi STOTINE NOVIH ÈLANOVA Pronaðite prijatelje ili ljubav u svom kvartu, ili pak na drugom kraju svijeta. Ljubavna magija nikada ne može biti uspešna ukoliko ljubavna spajalica rs cilj osobe da manipuliše ili menja slobodnu volju drugog čoveka. Ako želite upoznati neku vruću damu ili možda muškarcastariju ili ljubavna spajalica rsbilo da je razvedena, udata, sama, u vezi. To je magija koja podržava i održava ceo život, jer ljubav sa svojim čarolijama povlači, podiže, preobražava, proširuje i ponovo povezuje sa svetim osećajem našeg ljudskog postojanja na zemlji. Taj čarobni izvor energije isprepletan kroz razne uticaje i okolnosti zahteva veliko zalaganje, ali nekada donosi i velike izazove. Kod nas svi mogu komunicirati sa svima. Treba da ima od 22-28 godina,bez djece i braka ranije. Njihova najsigurnija pozicija je distanca u emotivnom odnosu.
Over snacks and expert cocktails from the team you can either have such a good time that you end up dancing, or be grateful for the music to fill the space if conversation falls silent. LTR, expensive: Across from Cal's verdant campus, Gather is a welcoming oasis of locally-sourced comfort food.
And, assuming things are going nicely, a nice menu of charcuterie and small plates will keep the two of you at the table long enough to split another bottle. But sometimes you just have to cut the cord in public. It's cozy and upscale, making it the perfect place to catch up over craft cocktails, rosé, and whole-roasted Dungeness crab when in season.
Current Time in San Francisco, CA - Second date, expensive: Come for the margaritas and excellent popped corn snacks that accompany them ; stay for the menu of refined Mexican small plates. On the flip side, if all goes well, you can choose from a variety of small plates for sustenance.
We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audience is coming from. To find out more or to opt-out, please read our. In addition, please read our , which has also been updated and became effective May 23rd, 2018. By choosing I Accept, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. The perfect venue is an essential component to any successful date. But here's the thing: A great first date spot is going to look quite different from an anniversary spot — or even a second date spot, for that matter. Every date situation calls for different things — be it neighborhood, vibe, or price point. And it can be tricky to find the right bar, restaurant, or cafe based on Google search alone. Thus, we offer this ultimate guide to date spots in San Francisco. The guide is organized by neighborhood, spanning San Francisco and the East Bay. Each section includes options for a first date, a breakup, a longterm relationship, and other scenarios see the key, below right, for exact categories. In short, next time you're trying to pick a fitting location, we've got you. The Key These categories were chosen for popular date night needs. Read through this guide for a full listing of every best restaurant and bar in the city for dating, or click each category type below for separate maps of those restaurants and bars across the Bay Area. A first date bar should have good drinks, a buzzy vibe full, but not crowded , and the ability to order some food if things are going well. Coffee shops with friendly baristas, great drinks, and somewhere to sit are essential for a first date. Second dates are all about getting to know one another, so your venue can't be too loud. It also shouldn't be too expensive, and the ability to make a reservation is a must. Good second date spots inspire you to start with cocktails and segue into a bottle of wine that you can linger over. You might be willing to unleash a larger portion of your paycheck on a second date; these restaurants are chosen with that in mind. These spots have all the attributes of the above, but with some heftier prices and fancier vibes. When you're ready to signal to someone that you're serious about the relationship, it's time to head to a special occasion spot that shows your intentions through delicious food and top-notch hospitality. Note: this is not — we repeat not — a place to put a ring on it. These spots have an extra interesting element to them to add a little excitement to your 244th date night. Friendly service and fun vibes make the night feel like an event — all at price points that allow date night to be a regular thing. Ditto on the above, but for when the you're feeling a bit more fancy or have a special occasion to celebrate. Breakups should always happen in the privacy of one's home. But sometimes you just have to cut the cord in public. You'll need a place that's dark and allows for a quick exit. It should be crowded enough not to feel awkward, yet empty enough to give you some semblance of privacy. Non-descript pub fare has been replaced by extremely good burgers, salads, and bites, accompanied by equally good craft cocktails. Grab a seat at the bar in the light-filled dining room, and observe the hotel guests, Cal professors, and other Berkeley characters parade through. First date, coffee: Great coffee and the avocado toast of your dreams exist at this cute and tiny Berkeley gem. Formerly Alice Waters' Cafe Fanny for 28 years, Bartavelle picks up where Alice left off with a very Berkeley vibe and adorable patio. If coffee goes long, there's a selection of Kermit Lynch wines for sipping al fresco. Second date, moderate: A bustling Spanish restaurant in Berkeley's International Marketplace district, La Marcha has an extensive menu of tapas, paellas, and charcuterie. Grab a pitcher of sangria and a host of plates to share amongst yourselves — it's the ultimate compatibility test. Second date, expensive: Though not a white tablecloth kind of place, lively Comal has an upscale menu of Oaxacan delicacies, like hen-of-the-woods mushroom quesadillas and wood-grilled platos fuertes for two. Grab a couple carefully crafted margaritas and head to the dreamy garden patio. Where to lock it down: Not only is Chez Panisse a Berkeley classic, it's also the birthplace of California cuisine. Alice Waters' prix-fixe restaurant in the Gourmet Ghetto is still serving up pristine Bay Area produce, amazing wines, and impeccable ambiance. Make sure to take a peek into the gorgeous kitchen before the night is over. LTR, moderate: Darkened corners, bamboo mats, and Japanese whiskies make Ippuku a mini-adventure in downtown Berkeley. Spin through the yakitori menu of grilled chicken knees, or order the secret chicken tartare for an extra intrepid evening with the ol' ball and chain. LTR, expensive: Across from Cal's verdant campus, Gather is a welcoming oasis of locally-sourced comfort food. Dine under strung lights on the heated patio, or pack into the busy dining room where jars of pickled vegetables line the walls. After, walk down the street for drinks in downtown Berkeley amongst the students, to feel young and unattached again. Breakup spot: This ancient dive bar is as faded as your relationship, and the perfect place to nip it in the bud. When the deed is done, listen to any number of ballads on the jukebox that are perfect for soothing an addled heart. Plus, there are some bar snacks like nuts and jerky to help line your stomach. First date, coffee: The colorful, quirky space has seating inside and out front, and the rotating coffee is always on point. Just beware of the children that often flood the space, though it's large enough that you can usually avoid them. Second date, moderate: This underrated neighborhood restaurant has a back garden that will make any date swoon. Reserve a table out there and dine on top-notch comfort food with a twist that's matched by an approachable wine list. Second date, expensive: Tucked into a cranny in Noe Valley, Saru has a cult following — and long waits that start when it opens, so be prepared. But options in this neighborhood are limited, and you can get to know your date better over a drink before you're seated. All will be forgotten once your table is ready and you bite into the expert nigiri. The Best Date Spot Maps by Neighborhood Grouped together for convenience, just click the neighborhood names below for maps of the best restaurants and bars for date night in each area. Where to lock it down: No restaurant in the city has more charm than La Ciccia, where a husband-and-wife team have put their love into the space for the last ten years. Let wife Lorella Degan settle you into your table and a great bottle of wine, after which husband Massimiliano Conti will delight your taste buds with the traditional Sardinian fare. It all leads up to a special evening free of some of the pretense that can infuse SF dining. LTR, moderate: This market-driven casual restaurant is a true neighborhood favorite, with regulars and industry types filling seats every night. What keeps people returning are the same qualities that make date night feel special: excellent, familiar food; friendly and knowledgeable staff; and affordable, interesting wine. LTR, expensive: Ichi Sushi offers a lovely omakase that incorporates both classic and new sushi offerings, while also focusing on sustainable fish. When you and your SO want a big-ticket night out in the neighborhood, Ichi is the way to go. Be sure to sit at the bar for chef interaction, and do note that Ichi downsized recently, back into its original, petite space. Breakup spot: People will be too focused on pool and ping pong to notice the drama unfolding in your personal life. Pick a booth at this divier bar with the bonus of better-than-average cocktails for some privacy, and make it quick. The drink names can help discussion flow — it's hard not to talk about cocktails inspired by Game of Thrones and hip hop albums. There's also rotating art on the walls for moments of true conversation desperation. First date, coffee: This sunny space has great coffee and traditional French pastries to give your first date an infusion of Parisian romance. There are plenty of tables to choose from, so park as needed. Second date, moderate: The back patio is the star at this bustling neighborhood hang. So make sure you dine outside on a warm day. Share top-notch pizza and other Italian fare made with local ingredients. Sitting inside is a great backup, so don't worry if Karl comes rolling in. Second date, expensive: Order a ton of tapas and a glass or pitcher of sangria at this intimate, buzzy Spanish spot. Then stumble down the street to for excellent craft cocktails in a moody, dark space. Where to lock it down: Chef Melissa Perello has created one of the city's most beloved Californian restaurants. The cozy space makes your table feel intimate, and the dreamy food will give you a break from swooning over each other. LTR, moderate: Everyone knows that oysters are aphrodisiacs, so give your significant other a not-so-subtle hint over dozens and dozens of them. The nautical, small space gets packed, too, so you'll be forced to crowd closer in the process. LTR, expensive: This charming Parisian-inspired bistro oozes romance, with its soft lighting, warm tones, and classic French fare. It might be a staid date spot, but there's a reason Paris is called the romantic city in the world — because the French know how to set a sexy tone. Breakup spot: Appropriately named for your dying relationship, Last Call has all the dark and divey vibes you need for a breakup. It's a lower-key spot in the middle of the Castro, and there's a fireplace to provide the heat your relationship lacked. It has a dark and dive-y feel at night, but lets in some natural light in the early evening hours. First date, coffee: The name of this quirky, hipster coffee shop is not an exaggeration — it's a literal hole in the wall — but the coffee is great, there are real coconuts for the buying which can be a fun, if confusing, alternative to coffee , and it's right near Washington Square Park, which has top-notch people watching for bonding moments. Second date, moderate: There may be no more perfect a meal than pizza, pasta, and wine on a second date, and Cotogna leads San Francisco in those three categories. The lighting is always just right, too. Second date, expensive: Fancy sushi and fancy drinks in fancy environs sums Roka Akor up pretty well. And if your date doesn't like sushi, there are plenty of entree options to choose from. Where to lock it down: Kokkari is a special occasion classic for a reason: It consistently nails the restaurant holy trinity — food, service, and atmosphere — with its wood-fired Greek food and attentive staff. LTR, moderate: Live jazz in a supper club setting is just what you need to add romance into a date, and Bix has both in spade — plus tons of whiskey. The menu of American classics with modern twists always impresses. LTR, expensive: The gorgeous dining room at Mister Jiu's is a joy to discover amidst the typically lower key restaurants in Chinatown, especially paired with chef Brandon Jew's contemporary takes on Chinese food. It all makes for a surprising evening out in a neighborhood that hasn't changed in recent decades; don't skip out on the cocktails or dessert. Breakup spot: Bow Bow Cocktail Lounge A karaoke bar may seem an odd choice for a breakup spot, but the more you think about it, the more genius it becomes. There's plenty of music to drown out any of the more heated moments in your conversation, people are too focused on the singer to notice you, and you can even sing a swan song if needed. You'll want to stick to ordering the basics, but if you can successfully navigate first date drinks here, where the prickly staff can be an obstacle to overcome together, then you definitely deserve a second date. First date, coffee: Grab a spot in the window, and gaze longingly at Golden Gate Park. If things are going well and you don't immediately want to run away, propose a stroll through the greenery. The Alembic Photo: Second date, moderate: Snag a booth in the dining room and have an intimate conversation over a couple brown butter old fashioneds and some jerk-spiced duck hearts. The drinks never fail to get things going, but be careful if you're on a budget — those small plates can run up a tab real quick. Second date, expensive: lively bar atmosphere and rustic, California-Mexican menu make for a more substantial dinner commitment. Start with cocktails at the colorful bar — perfect if your tastes skew more toward mezcal than whiskey — and then sit down to share a bunch of tacos and small plates. Lock it down: Celebrate the fact that you and your new beau actually enjoy each other's company with a romantic patio brunch for two at this relaxed longtime neighborhood favorite. Besides, if you're going to wait that long for gingerbread pancakes and challah french toast, you might as well make it official. LTR, moderate: Congratulations on your long-term relationship! Cuban food always makes for a lively way to spice up date night. Drink way too many pitchers of sangria before you head home to make out, watch Netflix, and eat leftover fried plantains in bed. LTR, expensive: It's surprisingly hard to find a truly expensive, let's-go-all-out dinner in the Haight, but you can still manage to ring up a sizable tab at Magnolia. Like any long-term relationship, there are things you love above Magnolia good beer! Breakup: When it's time to cut ties, what better place to do it than at the cold granite bar of an art deco-themed soda jerk? Break the news over a couple boozy dessert drinks and if there are sore feelings at the end of it all, at least you'll still have ice cream. No matter which beverage you choose, the drinks are good, the vibes are relaxed, and there's some food to snack on. First date, coffee: La Boulangerie San Franciscans all know and love this La Boulange reboot, with the same great sandwiches, salads, pastries, coffee, and tea. There are tons of tables to choose from and friendly vibes abound, though there will be a lot of people in workout clothes around you. Second date, moderate: Belga has the lively atmosphere of a Belgian brasserie the big front bar helps in a breezy, California-style space. There's an impressive beer list and a menu of Belgian classics think sausages, mussels, fries if wanted. When it's nice out, try to sit near the front open windows open so you can people watch as needed. Second date, expensive: Easily the classiest restaurant in the neighborhood, pizzas are the star here. Order your meal around the pies, and then fill it out with the stellar appetizers, salads, and pastas. Definitely get wine — and lots of it — and request a bar at the chef's counter so you can watch the action. Dim lighting, white tablecloths, and a menu of extremely well-executed modern American food make it the perfect romantic destination. For extra pizzazz, make reservations for Wednesday, when beef Wellington is presented whole and served rare. LTR, moderate: Food trucks, live music, and drinks are the perfect way to spice up date night in a casual, very SF way. On Friday nights, OTG Fort Mason is a twinkling wonderland of quirky menus and music you can dance to, while Thursdays at the Presidio are super chill with fire pits and blankets. You can't go wrong with either. Join your significant other for a hushed and romantic with plenty of bubbly and elevated dishes like an oyster with gelee or a steak tartare big enough for two. Breakup spot: No frills, no bullshit, no credit cards is the name of Horseshoe Tavern's game. Get in, do your business, and get out, then head to The down the street for some meat market action with your newly single status. The only food here is a variety of jerky sold by the ounce , so either eat ahead of time or be prepared to get the dried meat sweats with a total stranger. First date, coffee: This super-small, friendly coffeeshop will get your hearts racing with Andytown espresso drinks, and light snacks, if that's what you're after. Grab your drinks and take a stroll through the neighborhood overlooking San Francisco. Second date, moderate: Traci Des Jardins new Dogpatch bar has great cocktails, but it also has plenty of worthy food to go along with them, much of it meant to easily share. The bar is lively and has booths for snuggling into if the date goes well. Piccino Second date, expensive: This adorable Italian-influenced restaurant is a lively spot for a second date, with a menu of pizzas and pastas for the sharing. Sit on the patio as the sun sets with a bottle of rosé for maximum enjoyment. Where to lock it down: It's not the most expensive restaurant in the neighborhood, but it's romantic and homey in that French bistro way. Share escargot and beef tartare, and wash it all down with Champagne as you plan a trip to Paris together. LTR, moderate: What's that, you say? You're a grown ass wo man and you don't eat macaroni and cheese for dinner anymore? Well, take a trip back to a more youthful, single state-of-mind with your partner in crime, and dig in to a bowl of mac bejeweled with short ribs, paired with a bottle of wine. LTR, expensive: Like your relationship, Serpentine is steady and in it for the long haul, offering up simple but well-executed dishes like oven-roasted chicken. It's not an adventure, but it's a welcoming place to catch up with your significant other over a cocktail and one of SF's best burgers. Breakup spot: Known for its bloody marys, The Ramp is a good place to bring a scorned lover in broad daylight. Get to know your new potential someone over a dignified glass of wine or beer or something stronger, if you prefer in a calm setting, where you can order food if that's where the evening takes you. First date, coffee: This being downtown, most coffee shops in this neighborhood are grab-and-go affairs. Not so with Mazarine, which has plenty of seating to choose from, an essential when it comes to date number one. Plus, if things really get going or really go south, depending on your outlook , there's beer and wine on offer here, too. Second date, moderate: Reasonably priced Italian small plates and lots of wine in a bustling, pretty setting are solid starters for a great second date. The conversation's up to you, but Barbacco has the rest covered. Second date, expensive: Inside Leo's, ferns hang from the ceiling, the bar glows gold, and splashy colors dominate the feel-good space. There are tons of pretty people eating pretty things here — besides the typical raw bar fare like oysters, clams, crab, shrimp, and lobster, the menu is full of caviar, crudo, uni — and decadence. Sip on champagne, slurp an oyster, and wow your date with your cool pick. Where to lock it down: The view from luxe seafood spot Waterbar is all you need to signify serious. Located at the base of the Bay Bridge, the best time to go is at sunset, sitting on the heated patio while watching the sun go down and the bridge lights start to dance in front of you. The vendors have only gotten even better, and the best time to go is on Saturday mornings to fully enjoy the farmers market. Prep yourself with patience for the inevitable crowds, but if you go with the right expectations, the outing can turn into a fun, all-day way to rediscover what you love so much about this city. The huge key here, though, is being sure to sit at the sushi bar — the vibe just isn't as good at the tables. Then, simply put yourself in the hands of the sushi chefs behind the bar and freak out with your SO over the expert nigiri. Breakup spot: So long as you don't go during a sports game, Irish Times has the quick in-and-out service, simple drinks, and the somewhat private space you need to cut the cord. Tipples will work in your favor in this case. Over snacks and expert cocktails from the team you can either have such a good time that you end up dancing, or be grateful for the music to fill the space if conversation falls silent. Just walk on over to family-owned Cafe La Vie 514 St. Second date, moderate: Absinthe is that perfect restaurant that fits into so many life occasions. In this case, its lively bar, familiar menu, and killer cocktails add a twinkle that makes second dates seem special. Hopefully you'll start with cocktails and some shared plates only to linger over a bottle of wine. Second date, expensive: San Francisco's iconic roast chicken restaurant will do much of the work of charming your date for you. No matter where you sit in its five disparate areas, the vibes and lighting make it feel good to be there. Ice cold oysters and bubbly champagne are the right way to start off the night or day! Go along for the multi-course, wood-fired meal ride, being sure to pair it with a few bottles of wine from the all-natural list. Crenn knows how to do it right, so though the restaurant has a more low-key vibe than her original fine dining temple Atelier Crenn, you'll still walk away feeling wowed. LTR, moderate: The food you eat at Rich Table is unlike any other in the city, yet also fits right in. The multi-ingredient, innovative dishes don't seem to make much sense on the menu, but come together on first bite. It's a fun experience that will get you and your partner vibing on new flavors. LTR, expensive: Chances are the two of you are dying to make it to. Instead, head to Cala, where the Mexico City-native chef brings fresh flavors to the table. Be sure to get the mussels over toast and the charred sweet potato with bone marrow salsa negra. Breakup spot: As long as it's not a Friday or Saturday night, Brass Tacks will be just dark enough to hide, just empty enough to not make a scene, just full enough to not attract attention, and just sticky enough to ensure there won't be a rambling conversation. And, assuming things are going nicely, a nice menu of charcuterie and small plates will keep the two of you at the table long enough to split another bottle. First date, coffee: The bustling vibe and clean, modern decor make Jane an inviting place for getting to know each other over a pastry or two. Grab one of the banquette tables near the front, or stake out an intimate spot in the loungy mezzanine and talk about how ridiculous it is that toast is still a thing. Chef Nick Pallone moved down the street from his former post at , and his emphasis on local ingredients, housemade charcuterie, and Neapolitan pies hits all the right notes without breaking the bank. A well-rounded lineup of craft beers and a modest, but nicely affordable wine list certainly doesn't hurt, either. Second date, expensive: Despite the hype around its sister restaurant , it can be surprisingly easy to snag a spot at the bar at The Progress. Go on the early side, but take your time and let the staff guide you through a menu that chef Stuart Brioza and co. Where to lock it down: Michelin-starred Spruce is fully at home on tony Sacramento Street, bringing hushed, white tablecloth-swathed elegance to a city awash in loud dining rooms and rustic tabletops. Sip Champagne and enjoy elevated California cuisine, while the professional staff anticipates your every move. LTR, moderate: Pizza makes for an unimpeachable date night standby, and Delfina makes inarguably solid Neapolitan-style pies. The vibe is nice enough to feel like a night out, but just neighborhood-y enough to feel comfortable. Get an extra salsiccia pie for bedtime snacking later. LTR, expensive: So, you've been together a while. It's time to go all-out on a high-end, white tablecloth Italian dinner and spare no expense on the wine. Perfect for anniversary celebrations or question-popping. Plus, there are cocktails on tap for when you need a drink immediately. Always-stellar cocktails, friendly bartenders, plenty of seating, a buzzy crowd, and better-than-average bar bites are winning formula. First date, coffee: No coffee shop has more seating than Coffee Bar, which will give you and your date plenty of options to choose from, whether it's at tables upstairs or downstairs, the second floor counter overlooking the space, or at tables out front. There are even some couches to cozy up on — should you be so lucky — while sipping the great Mr. Second date, moderate: With a Chez Panisse veteran at the helm, expect top-notch local produce and serious attention to detail — all filtered through a traditional Japanese lens. There is one very serious caveat to having a date here: you must, must, must sit at the chef's counter overlooking the kitchen. The back room is a good vibes dead zone, and watching the yakitori chef work the grill from your perch at the counter is perfect second date fodder. Second date, expensive: This seasoned Northern Italian restaurant is an expert in hospitality, providing everything you need for a successful second date: good, shareable food California take on Italian dishes pleases picky people and discerning eaters alike , solid wine, and some romantic, vibrant vibes. Where to lock it down: Californios is the most underrated tasting menu destination in San Francisco; taking someone here will make you seem very in the know. The Mexican food is surprising when's the last time you had aerated beans? Make sure you get the inventive wine and beer pairings, too. LTR, moderate: Let's set the Foreign Cinema scene: a flickering hearth, twinkling lights, classic movie projected on the wall, solid drinks, delicious Mediterranean-leaning food, and attentive service. You can't manufacture romance like this, so inject some into your LTR, and head here for dinner. LTR, expensive: You're in for a real treat at Lazy Bear, where the meal plays out in a way you've likely never experienced before. This ticketed, tasting menu restaurant employs a service model entirely its own, one in which diners eat communally and chefs present each dish with a passionate speech. There are a lot of foraged ingredients, which come together in the tastiest of manners through surprising and expert preparations. Experience the delight with your SO, but do be prepared to make friends, too. Breakup spot: Evil Eye has a ton of couches; choose one to deliver your message. Hopefully the evil eye will protect you while you do. It's casual and comfortable inside, and you'll likely encounter plenty of other first dates, but there's a reason for that. And that reason is because it's a great first date spot. First date, coffee: Watch the cable cars go by and talk about how much you love San Francisco while getting to know this brand-new person. There are plenty of snacks to order if you're hungry, or just grab some coffee and call it a date. Second date, moderate: Your date will be impressed when you enter this two-story cocktail bar and restaurant nestled in the original Saratoga Hotel building built in 1908. Enjoy an elegant night out sipping on spirits from the 1920s and nibbling on a yellowtail crudo or a warm, soft pretzel. Whitechapel Photo: Second date, expensive: Enter another world when you walk into Whitechapel, a highly-themed gin bar fashioned to look like an abandoned London Underground station and distillery. There's a lengthy list of gin-based cocktails, and the food is Bangladeshi-inspired pub fare, like mussels vindaloo and pakoras with spicy lime pickle, Asian pear, and lassi bubbles. It's a fun, crazy atmosphere that will definitely leave a mark. Where to lock it down: This white-tableclothed, Italian fine dining temple may not be the hippest thing around, but you're going to get treated real right and eat some delicious pasta with incredible wine. And this is a special occasion, right? So put your khakis and your dresses on and act like it. LTR, moderate: Nailing a prime-time reservation at Liholiho Yacht Club requires some advance planning, so sync your calendars and pick a date a few weeks out to experience the inventive Hawaiian-Indian-NorCal cuisine that's had San Franciscans waiting in line for over a year. If you're in a more last-minute situation, as long as you go in knowing there's a wait, it can be part of the event. Stalk the bar for seats to open up, or just accept the time for a table and head down the block to 580 Sutter St. LTR, expensive: The lounge at La Folie is the more casual younger sister of French fine dining restaurant La Folie, located just next door. At the lounge, you can experience the best of La Folie, without the sticker shock. It's the same great service, and you can order La Folie food a la carte here. It will still cost you just not as much , and still be very special just with a little more flexibility. Breakup spot: Grab a drink at the bar and then head to the small tables with leather couches in the back of Owl Tree and tell your SO it's not you, it's me. There's enough privacy back there to afford you the space you need to get the job done. The drinks all come in beautiful barware, though we recommend sticking to the classics instead of some of the more complicated menu creations. First date, coffee: The Mill is a coffee shop workhorse, but there are tables to snag both inside and out on the parklet, so you can make it work for you. Second date, moderate: Everyone loves the pizzas at Ragazza, which has been an Italian neighborhood standby since 2011. Splits some pies and a few bottles of wine and reach second date nirvana — just make sure you go later in the evening after the kiddies have cleared out, and arrive earlier than your date to wait for a table, since there are no reservations. Second date, expensive: To Americans, there's almost nothing more romantic than Paris, and Bistro Central Parc transports you to the dreamy city. Romance abounds in the twinkly ceiling, simple French fare, and Old World wine list meant for exploring. Do a little wine research beforehand to thoroughly impress your date. Where to lock it down: Ijji has quietly become one of the best spots for sushi in the city, with friendly chefs and a lighthearted, approachable atmosphere, despite a serious focus on the fish. LTR, moderate: Ten years in, Bar Crudo is still the perfect seafood spot. Reserve a table downstairs, where there's more light and you have viewing access to the open kitchen. For a super casual date, happy hour is always a popular draw, too, when there are dollar oysters and more discounted food and drink. LTR, expensive: Let's face it: Unless you're a super-regular, you're not getting a prime-time reservation at Nopa. So, make a night of it and submit to the wait. Head to the bar for snacks and drinks to pass the time, or scoot next door to Horsefeather. Once you're sitting down, all will feel right when you gorge on the pleasing menu and dive deep into wine director Lulu McAllister's excellent wine list. Breakup spot: There are a lot of nooks to tuck into at The Page, a cash-only dive on Divis. Pick one, order a whiskey on the rocks for strength, and get it over with. If the date goes well, buy a bottle off the shelf and drink it at a dimly-lit table over some prosciutto and cheese. First date, coffee: Blue Bottle coffee, light snacks, and sugary waffles are the building blocks to any good relationship. Combined with high ceilings, huge windows, and gleaming white tile, this historic building is a pleasant place to get to know one another. Plus, the fact that there aren't hordes of laptoppers silently using Wi-Fi here there isn't any makes it fertile ground for conversation. Second date, moderate: Snuggled into Rockridge's main drag, A16 is a great upgrade for a second date. Share pizzas, spirituous cocktails, and antipasti by the glow of the pizza oven, or while looking out onto the idyllic neighborhood streets. Make sure to reserve this option ahead of time. Where to lock it down: The only two-Michelin-starred restaurant in the East Bay is an obvious choice, and one of the grander gestures available. It's a relaxed vibe with super precise, flavorful food — make a reservation at the chef's counter for a memorable experience and a first-hand look at the action. LTR, moderate: Waiting in line can be a strain on a new relationship, but a couple well-versed in each other's mood swings can certainly make it to dinner at this bustling neighborhood spot. Grab one of the excellent cocktails and a snack in the bar, and prepare for ramen greatness. LTR, expensive: Just because you've been together forever doesn't mean you have to be boring. This rustic, chill spot offers some of Oakland's best food straight from the wood-fired hearth. It's cozy and upscale, making it the perfect place to catch up over craft cocktails, rosé, and whole-roasted Dungeness crab when in season. Breakup spot: Breaking up to the sweet sounds of Rod Dibble's piano playing is one of the more poetic ways to end a relationship. This divey saloon is dark, with private booths and stiff drinks, making it the perfect place to cut ties. Even if you don't know much about wine, the staff is well-informed and helpful while guiding you through their list of by-the-glass selections, and there are snacks from cured meats and cheese plates to gooey croquettes. High Treason doubles as a retail shop in case you need to get a bottle for the after-party. The multi-tiered deck and patio, designed by Paxton Gate, offer plenty of opportunity for privacy. Second date, moderate: It's easy to forget about this tucked-away spot on , which consistently offers some of the city's best thin-crust pizza. The room is tiny — make sure you meet up after the family rush to avoid kiddos — but there isn't as much of a wait on weekdays, and even if you have to camp out they hand out blankets and drinks. Its weekly changing menu includes the usual suspects like margherita, and pies with more exotic toppings like egg with fingerling potatoes and creme fraiche or buffalo sausage with blue cheese. Second date, expensive: This cozy Outer Richmond restaurant serves a nightly tasting menu offering modern California cuisine, with beautifully plated items like house-made squid ink pasta with poached egg, black cod compressed with black olives, and sesame pot du creme. Each can be paired with wine or a non-alcoholic beverage, and there's a regular menu of apps and entrees if you don't want to go full tasting. Inside, the dining room has soothing blue walls, subway tile, and a dramatic stripped tree sculpture; if it's nice, you can sit outside at sidewalk tables. Where to lock it down: is on the menu at this tiny Clement Street restaurant, but Wako offers more than your average sushi restaurant. Chefs Atsushi-san and Tomo-san send out a parade of Japanese small plates, like housemade sesame tofu and mountain yam with spicy cod roe, followed by sashimi, tempura, and dessert; the whole thing is an elegant study in textures and temperatures. The sushi bar is small, so reservations are recommended. LTR, moderate: The best place in town to take a Beatles fan. This eclectic Japanese restaurant is decked out in vintage Beatles and classic rock memorabilia and plays a pretty much nonstop selection of Fab Four songs over its sound system. This may seem strange, but the vibe pairs well with its Japanese food, like skewers, okonomiyaki, and karaage chicken ramen. This yellow-walled, family-owned bistro on Clement offers the classics like escargot, cassoulet, and seared foie gras, and a combination of tasting menus and a la carte selections let you pick how lengthy you want your meal to be. The wine list is heavy on French vintages, naturally. Sip on a frozen piña colada and take in the eclectic tiki decorations, all while wishing you could escape to a beach in the tropics. Meet your date here, and if things lag, you can tell them all about the ways in which The Perennial is ultra-environmental. On the flip side, if all goes well, you can choose from a variety of small plates for sustenance. First date, coffee: At this San Francisco take on pan-Asian tea culture, you can choose from Zen-quiet seating inside among plush pillows, or the sunny patio overlooking the green Yerba Buena Gardens. Order from a wide and exotic menu of palatable Chinese, Japanese, and Indian teas. The vibe is chill and the ambiance is quiet, making it easy to hold a conversation and linger if you want — or dash if needed. Second date, moderate: Located in the historic Pac Bell building one of San Francisco's most impressive Art Deco buildings , the trendy Trou Normand provides an intimate setting to gather over a board of house-made charcuterie, a glass of wine, and perhaps a pour of Calvados, which owner Thad Vogler hand-selects from France. The atmosphere is lively, but not too loud, making it the perfect place to grab a pair of seats at the long marble bar or in the cozy booths and have a close conversation. Second date, expensive: The Absinthe Group knows a thing a or two about creating a great date spot, and its newest, biggest project to date is no exception. Sitting anywhere in this Spanish stunner is ideal date territory, but the prime zone is at the bar or in the lounge. Saddle up to the bar or choose a couch to perch on and order some excellent cocktails alongside tapas, paella, and hearth-cooked mains. As the night goes on, a live piano player often infuses the room with romantic, fun vibes, as do the flamenco dancers. Where to lock it down: Amid a town that flaunts its casual fashion, Mourad offers a luxe and elegant setting for its Michelin-starred contemporary Moroccan fare. Large slabs of gleaming white marble, reclaimed branches, huge mid-century modern chandeliers, sweeping ceilings, and its flawlessly executed tasting menu provide the swoon-worthy atmosphere to cinch the deal. If tasting menus aren't your thing, you can go a la carte or — better yet — create a shared memory by ordering the la'acha, a family-style dish to share with a choice between a whole chicken, a whole fish, a whole lamb shoulder, or 72-hour short ribs with four decadent sides. Reserve one of the seats in the dining room for a full dinner of oysters and rich cuts of meat, many of which make use of the wood-fire grill that envelopes the entire space with soft heat. Or grab an easy seat at one of the bars upstairs, downstairs, or in the mezzanine for cocktails and lighter plates. LTR, expensive: Perfect for a stroll along the Embarcadero before or after dinner, Boulevard is an elegant choice for dining with a longtime companion. White tablecloths, lowered lights, and classic California cuisine never go out of style — and neither, hopefully, will your relationship. Breakup spot: When the sparks start to fizzle, head down to this damp and dark dive-turned-beach-themed-cocktail bar. Breakup spot: When the sparks start to fizzle, head down to this damp and dark dive-turned-beach-themed- cocktail bar. If things go well, grab dinner or brunch! First date, coffee: It's not just that we'll take any excuse to come here and eat the fabulous, oozy breakfast sandwiches. It's also that this bakery on Noriega has a parklet outside where you can perch, people-watch, and get to know another human over Bicycle coffee and baked goods like beignets and kale-parmesan scones. And if the parklet is busy or even if it isn't , the beach and its romantic walk potential is a mere three blocks away. Second date, moderate: Here's where you can gauge the adventurous spirit of your date: with a meal in the converted garage of this Outer Sunset staple. Since this is Korean bar food, anything fried is a good bet — chicken wings, kimchi fried rice, and seafood pancake are favorites — but there's also a lengthy menu of noodles, hot pot, grilled proteins, and soju drinks. Second date, expensive: Come for the margaritas and excellent popped corn snacks that accompany them ; stay for the menu of refined Mexican small plates. The second location of this SF staple from the Nopa folks fits right in with the neighborhood, offering an upscale-casual environment for its tacos, pozole, ceviche, and legendary carnitas with housemade tortillas. If it's not too cold at night, request a table on the cute heated patio and eat surrounded by cafe lights and potted succulents. You can splurge on classics like raw oysters, Maine lobster, or New York steak, or stick to basics like burgers and fish and chips. LTR, moderate: There are perennial crowds waiting outside Outerlands for a seat at brunch and dinner, but we like to sneak in during the off-hours, which is why we recommend playing hooky from work and dropping in for a weekday breakfast or lunch date. Walk it off after at Ocean Beach, just a few blocks away. LTR, expensive: There's something sexy about spoiling yourself with pristine raw fish, and this cozy Sunset restaurant will certainly oblige. The dining room is more comfortable than romantic, but the best seats in the house are at the sushi bar anyway, and a few fabric panels provide semi-private nooks at the tables. Breakup spot: Yancy's is a big, lively Irish bar. Which means that any sort of scene can be absorbed, because there's always enough going on to distract from whatever's happening at your table. The bar also has many beers on tap, several TV screens to fix your attention on if things get too awkward, and a few dart boards in back in case either of you need to take out some aggression.
San Francisco - Local's Night Out
First date, coffee: It's not just that we'll take any excuse to come here local date and time in san francisco eat the fabulous, oozy breakfast sandwiches. LTR, expensive: Across from Cal's verdant campus, Gather is a welcoming oasis of locally-sourced comfort food. Second date, moderate: Absinthe is that perfect restaurant that fits into so many life occasions. The guide is organized by neighborhood, spanning San Francisco and the East Bay. What keeps people returning are the same qualities that make date night feel anon: excellent, familiar food; friendly and knowledgeable staff; and affordable, interesting wine. Or grab an easy seat at one of the bars upstairs, downstairs, or in the mezzanine for cocktails and lighter plates. There's enough privacy back there to afford you the space you need to get the job done. Go along for the multi-course, vodka-fired meal ride, being sure to pair it with a few bottles of wine from the all-natural list. If tasting menus aren't your thing, you can go a la carte or — better yet — create a shared memory by ordering the la'acha, a family-style dish to share with a choice between a whole between, a whole fish, a whole lamb shoulder, or 72-hour short ribs with four decadent sides. Non-descript pub fare has been replaced by extremely good burgers, salads, and bites, accompanied by equally good craft cocktails. The perfect venue is an essential component to any successful date. LTR, expensive: It's con hard to find a truly expensive, let's-go-all-out dinner in the Haight, but you can still manage to ring up a sizable tab at Magnolia.
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